Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

tell me..........................

semua keadaan yang terjadi itu pasti ada sebab dan akibat ,gak mungkin sesuatu terjadi begitu aja


karna kata kata itu bikin gue galau ,ga galau juga deng lebe tapi ya kata kata itu bikin gue intropeksi dengan apa semua yang telah gue lakuin ,in every false step that i take kalo gaya gaulnya -_-
jadi gini..............
deg-degan nih asli ceritanya ,jujur jujuran now im stuck in one person ,well susah bagi gue sayang sama orang tanpa ada nya a-guy-behind-it-all-who-makes-this-flow~
dan oke bisa dibaca latest post gue ,left tanpa ada alasan jelas

sedih ga?
ga cari orang lain?.wake up so many guys outta there. ya ya ya i wanna leave. really but many reason that makes me to still staying like this altough it hurts me a lot.

oke cukup cukup di entri ini gue ga mau sedih sedih atau begging and try to pick up the pieces dan ngebuat segalanya balik lagi
ya gamungkin dan pasti sangat sangat lah canggung
tapi yang gue pertanyain adalah


itu yang buat gue deg-deg-an -_- mikir apa salah gue.........apa yang kurang dari gue......................
tell me where's the negative ,surely i'll change it .i'll do better
gue takut banget bangetan ada back stabber yang bilang macem macem soal gue -_-
soalnya setelah gue pikir pikir ,kesalahan fatal yang gue buat ke lo apa ,biar coba gue ubah pengen banget bangetan deh
well ,susah buat ngaca diri sendiri .apa kesalahan kita yang ga kita sadari sama sekali. gampang banget cari kesalahan orang lain .tapi buat cari kesalahan diri sendiri itu lebih susah .mudah untuk judge kesalahan orang lain tapi lebih susah untuk nge judge kesalahan diri .mudah nyuruh orang untuk ngerubah sikap tapi buat ngerubah sikap diri sendiri itu lebih susah-_-
so tell me what's my bad habbit? :/

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010


God gave us two ears to hear, two eyes to see and two hands to hold. But why did God give us only one heart? Because he wants us to find the other one.

Is the word "love" important?
I don't know but for me, you are more important.
Do you know why?
Because how can I say "I love you" if you're not here.

One time I asked you, "why do you love her so much?" you told me, "because we've been together for so long", I got annoyed because you're numb, you didn't even think that the time you were together, it took me longer to have waited for you.

No matter how many times I get hurt because of you, I won't leave you. Because even if I have a hundred reasons to leave you, I'll look for that one reason to fight for you.

some people said said that if you are unable to sleep, it's because there's someone thinking about you...surely that person misses you. That's why if you can't sleep, sorry, I can't help it.............

I thought I was the unluckiest person in the world, then I looked at you and smiled. Why? Because no matter how unlucky I was, it was worth it because of you.

They said love is like a toy. When it's new, it's so loved and don't want to lend it to others, doesn't want anybody touching it and don't want to let go of it. Yes, it's being taken care of, but the down side is, it's being played so many times.

When the time comes for you to leave me, just say! so I can let you go. But let me embrace you while saying, " You'll go back to me, When she leaves you."

In love, the past is not important, but the present. Experience is more relevant than the pain you went through. The only thing that will make it stronger is forgiveness and not the retorting of sin.

God is so good. He knows where a person will be happy, where they can love and be loved, where heaven on earth is. Now I know why He put me near you.

Any guy can love a thousand girls...but only a rare guy can love one girl in a thousand ways

In every girls life there will always be those three guys...the one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she cant get enough of...and in the end...they're all the same guy.

Find that guy that will pick up every piece of your shattered heart & put it back together; Replacing it with a piece of his.

I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you

If you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind, I would say once, because you never really left…

They say love hides in every corner , then I must be walking in circles

Others will say, loving someone is tiring: sometimes happy, sometimes you'll cry!
They said I'd have enough someday.
I said to them, that is not true, you know why? "when does ever a person had enough if her love is true.."

I wish I had never known you. I was happy before even when you were not there yet. Unlike now, you make me suffer, I know that you didn't mean to have known me. Me too, I wasn't planning on loving you.

No matter what words were used or what meaning about love was delivered, love quotes were said and written out of inspiration and to emphasize each person’s purpose for living…and that is to give love.


Selasa, 27 Juli 2010


And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true. In this life, I was loved by you
Colin Raye

cha kenapa pasang foto thomas and friends? gatau -_-

saman saman saman!

oke hello blog <3
by the way gue mau review dikit nih

oke liat kan gambar di atas apa?????? yepsaman

udah rada lama sih yaaaa sekitar 2minggu yang lalu ada penutupan mos gitu deh di 71 sekolah gue .ya ya ya walaupun lumayan berantakan :"(
gimana ga berantakan ya gue dan yang lain tuh udah latihan gerakannya dan tiba tiba............akibat durasi yang ga memungkin kan ,banyak part yang di cut jadi?????? ya rada berantakan gitu karna semua serba mendadak dan yah maklum masih junior kak >.<

ngerasa aneh sama kostum nya? kok item2 gitu sih cha?
kok kaya pendekar sih cha? kok gapake kerudung? kok bukannya saman bajunya warna warni gitu????
mau tau ajaaa~~ :p ,

ga deng itu karna ya sekali lagi mendadak!
yang penting saman tracesa paling top top top wkwk untung aja walaupun kurang-maksimal tampil saman pas penutupan mos ,adik adik kelas nya banyak yang berminat ikut kok :))) hihihi mereka pada bilang saman kemarin keren ehehe seneng ga iyalah seneng siapa yang ga seneng.....................~~(","~~)
oke cukup lagi rada bete nich nich dirumah sendiri hm hm hm :"/
kok jadi curhat wkwk
oiya welcoming puasa yaaa sebentar lagi nih.............................

(>>'_')>> gue selaku owner blog ini mohon minta maaf ya kalo ada salah :'>

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010


hello blog :)
long time no share ,and long time i lost from this site
now? trying to activate this blog ,ya totally im back with a new concept

kenapa gue ngilang dan ngehapus semua entri blog?

ya sedikit sedih sih udah ninggalin blog ini ,alesan cuma satu .yap haters! maklum lah tahun lalu gue masih utas~

aaa really fckn miss this blog!
rencananya sih mau bikin blog baru ,tapi ehe ehe males~

by the way ,HOW ARE YOU? FINE?